Career Opportunities
Are you seeking a dynamic and rewarding career with an outstanding company that offers competitive compensation, excellent benefits, professional development opportunities, growth potential, community support activities, and a cohesive relationship with your team members? If so, Southern Earth Sciences, Inc. would like to talk to you!
If you are interested in an open position listed below, please click on the listing link and complete the form following the job description.
If you would like to apply for an open position, have questions, or want to inquire about career opportunities that are not specifically listed below, please contact Southern Earth Sciences, Inc., HR Director, Cindy Giddens, at 251-445-4354 or
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You deserve a long and fulfilling career.
Southern Earth Sciences invests in your long-term growth.
You can plant long-term roots with a long-standing, well-established firm at SES.
SES offers young professionals experience with the ability to train closely with established professional engineers.
SES provides the flexibility to move about the various offices across the South to gain new experiences and grow along with the company.
SES encourages and rewards obtaining and maintaining professional certifications and licenses.