Equipment List

20 Ton CPT Track-mounted
The 20 ton heavy-weight, track-mounted Cone Penetrometer system is a self-propelled hydraulic remote controlled CPT system designed for rough terrain or areas where low ground pressure is required for vehicle access.
It has two double hydraulic cylinders coupled by a platen that pushes and pulls digital cones and other tools.
It is powered by a 130 HP diesel engine. The unit is equipped with hydraulic leveling jacks and a climate controlled operations center. The contact pressure is approximately 6 psi.

20 Ton CPT Truck-mounted
The 20 ton truck CPT rig is an ideal vehicle to provide quick, cost effective mobile platform for high production in geotechnical and environmental soils investigations.
This system is equipped with 5 and 10 ton seismic piezo cones and vision cones.
The operations center is climate controlled for maximum production, regardless of weather conditions or time of day.
Barge-mounted (35'x12') Diedrich D-50
February through June SESI’s 35-foot by 12-foot barge mounted drilling equipment is utilized for projects requiring subsurface investigations over the water. The Diedrich D-50 mounted on the barge is capable of borings in excess of 200 feet.
CME-45 Track-mounted
The CME-45 is a versatile track-mounted rig equipped with flight augers, hollow stem augers, mud rotary or NQ wireline equipment.

CME-45 Truck-mounted
The CME-45 is mounted on a four-wheel drive vehicle and is equipped with flight augers, hollow stem augers, and mud rotary equipment.

Diedrich D-50 Track-mounted
The Diedrich D-50 is a very versatile drilling rig and has a very low contact pressure of approximately 3 psi. This particular rig can be configured with augers, mud rotary or NQ wireline.
In addition, a Gardner Denver displacement pump is utilized for advancing large diameter boreholes to depths of 200 feet for 4” diameter by 4’ long tube samples required for the Corps of Engineers (COE) levee projects.
Diedrich D-50 on Two-wheel Drive Vehicle
This rig is mounted on a two-wheel drive vehicle and is equipped with flight augers, hollow stem augers, mud rotary equipment, and NQ wireline.

Geoprobe 6625 Track-mounted CPT and Macrocore
The Geoprobe 6625 CPT is a self-anchoring multi-purpose push platform. The system has 20 tons of push capacity when anchored even though the equipment weighs less than 5 tons.
The system is capable of collecting CPT data or can be switched to conventional “Geoprobe” mode for Macro-Core soil and groundwater sampling.

Support Equipment on Marsh Buggy
SESI’s CPT equipment and drill rigs have the capability to be mounted on a marsh buggy for access in swampy conditions.
This setup has been extensively used in south Louisiana for exploration work associated with bridges, pipelines, levees, etc.
We have performed CPTs and soil borings from marsh buggies to depths over 100 feet.
Tripod Drilling
The tripod equipment is used in sensitive environmental areas to minimize the impact of drilling operations.
The equipment is manually operated to depths generally less than 100 feet.
Standard penetration tests, Shelby tube samples and vane shear tests can be performed using the manual equipment.

SESI’s 3-inch Vibracore is barge-mounted and consists of a submersible pneumatic vibrating motor attached to a four-inch steel casing with an internal clear acrylic sampling tube and is capable of sampling up to 20 feet.